Sermon Recorder Download for Look and Listen Multimedia

This is the latest version of the Behest Sermon Recorder containing elements specific to Look and Listen Multimedia customers.

By downloading and installing this software you are agreeing to the End User Licence Agreement below.

Download LLMedia Sermon Recorder Version 2.1 Build 22
(for Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 and 7 32-bit and 64-bit,
Windows Vista, Windows XP)

This authorised Sermon Recorder installer does not include any other software and is easily uninstalled from the Windows Apps or Programs and Features areas.

If, when you download or run this file, you receive a warning from Windows like the one below, please just click on 'More info' and then click 'Run anyway'.
It is simply Windows being over-cautious and deterring you from downloading and running software from unknown publishers.

Smartscreen screenshot

LAME MP3 ACM Encoder

The LAME MP3 ACM Encoder is a free alternative MP3 encoder for the Sermon Recorder to use in place of Microsoft's MP3 encoder.

Download LAME MP3 ACM Encoder